Monday, August 25, 2014

Iteration II: (mirror age)

There certainly appears to be a theory of all things contained in the One from whence we and everything we've been able to discern about this universe have arisen. It turns out wise to recall that the oneness of this theory materializes as another theory in and of itself because that is the nature of our theories as well as the apparent state of our existence. We must always strive to remember that our corporeality itself never presents itself as a theory, but rather a living incarnation of the cosmos. Our subsistence prospers and its deep manifestation appears as something any living sentient being (which has naturally arisen from it) should keep in mind at all times, in particular when the era begins shaping itself more toward meeting the increasingly abstract demands of the individualized mind. Don't forget the many masks of the psyche are not all found within the mirrors we set up mentally for ourselves; some guises are genuine while others are merely imagined. The challenge arises when one trains oneself to understand and note the difference between them. 

One who looks in the mirror in order to seek his true face becomes destined for a reflection of the grandest echo of theater to have ever been struck from the lonely darkness of isolation. Fables from before the oldest known causeways fading behind us may yet be remembered if only we shake the dust off the deepest recesses of our skulls found through the long carved out tunnels led there from the ears. This discipline is yet another example of the many secret arts found hidden right out in the open for the most devoted seekers of mastery the world has ever known. There are several words for it in my language yet I find it unnecessary to evoke them here in order to bestow upon my readers what I am referring to. As sacred rites passed on down through the many generations over the years from family to friends and back around again, these devotional rituals remain today more vibrant than ever amid their multitude of various adepts and masters. It's such a powerful ceremony that it influences those who have nothing to do with its creation other than to enjoy the ineluctable effects it has on anyone standing nearby with functioning ears. One set of ears splits in two just like one set of eyes splits in two like one set of nostrils splits in two like one brain splitting in two and then splitting again and again and so on down the line. 

There's only one number and that must be the number one. This inescapable fact may be mocked and ridiculed and misunderstood and rejected by anyone from the most content homeless person to the highest ranking mathematician in the land, yet its simple truth continues to betray all the insolence of institutionalization until a certain bovine species comes back home to graze divided. All numbers subsequent to one are in fact variants of the initial digit. What makes this significant is the fact that all remaining numerals regardless of their nature or classification exist for the single purpose of dividing the whole. This has been proven many times over, for example when calculating equations whose quotients end up representing an amount greater than that comprised of every possible element within the universe itself.  It's easy to forget such mental calculations are mere exercises of the imagination. Suffice it to say the pudding we eat sustains the gray matter growing within our skulls into the shape of our brains. 

This matter comes out gray not only because it refers to a conceptual aesthetic but also because those portions of our brains happen to be colored an oblique sort of shade which arguably resembles gray. There exists a known treatment for procuring a fairly well assessed judgment concerning just about any matter one might care to ponder over. It is referred to sometimes as "the spirit of the question" and sometimes as "the spirit of the problem." In either case it refers to that spirit which must accompany any human endeavor towards judgement of any kind. It should go without saying that every scenario we might consider that has potentially occurred should have done so by a variety of means and variables which have come together precisely due to the nature of the particular case being examined. Everything we contemplate must adhere to this same principle, and additionally, of being effective necessarily on a case by case basis. The spirit of the problem of our age today unfolds into our somehow lacking the motivation to see to it that the more pressing challenges in surviving as a species the encroaching twenty-first century with its barrage of environmental concerns including but not limited to global warming, the toxifying of our ecology on land, air, fresh water rivers and oceans are not only addressed in a coherent manner, but furthermore, done so with the universal spirit of the question we all inherently share regardless of our ideological and genetic differences (which effectively remain cosmetic) in the face of more pressing concerns which profoundly affect the sustainability of our mutual survival

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